I received word today that I didn't get into the second teaching course I applied for.
To say I’m not surprised is true, to say I’m miserable, perhaps also true, but mostly I’m terrified. Teaching was my practical option. My sensible choice. It was the thing that I figured I would enjoy and was the most likely to be successful of any of my courses of action. Now it has fallen through. I am completely without anchor because I’d convinced myself not to plan for every eventuality. I have no plan B at this stage, nothing to push me forward.
All other ideas of what would make me happy are not practical. I have spent many hours pouring over what I would like to be doing and none are financially viable:
I want another degree – I feel I wasted a lot of my 1st degree and although I enjoyed the creative based work I would like to do something more theory based. The problem with this is that it would cost way more money than I could ever think to afford.
I want to write – If I could make a living from writing my life would be wonderful. It is my dream to be able to write knowing I didn’t need any other form of income. This is problematic as it is highly unlikely to ever happen. Even if I manage to get published it is unlikely to bring me large enough sums of money to make ends meet.
I want an MA – Again my need for intellectual stimulation rears its ugly head. What I would really like is to push through to PHD level and teach University level students. The problem with this is again financial. It would cost a lot more than I could find to do this. It is not an option.
I love designing and making things – I have been making handmade baby clothes the past few weeks as something to fill my time. I have booked a table at some small craft fairs over the next few months to see if they sell. I love doing this, it feels so calming but this is also not a practical way of making money. My output on making these things is not enough to make any decent money from them. It’s a nice supplement to any income but not an income in it’s own right.
These are all I have left in my list of things I would enjoy doing, none of which are practical options. I know I can’t go back to working in an office again it just kills me physically and mentally. Shops are also a no no because of my ME (I have trouble shopping in shops on my own let alone working in one).
I keep reaching, trying to find a solution, an option of some kind that is not going to make me ill and I come back with nothing. Where I go from here I don’t know and that scares the hell out of me.
Mine are hollow words to your worry, but try to keep a positive outlook. My post today, "Raining in all Lanes" ie we all seemed to be getting "soaked". You have company and I know that is little comfort..
Shit. I am really sorry to hear that; do you think you will apply again next year? It's a popular course and you want to do it at the best places - loads of competition, especially with other graduates who don't actually want to teach and are doing it as a 'recession-proof' job, but they'll soon be filing back into the mundane.
I seem to have hit a bit of a hiatus, but, I think it must be my secret middle name or something, I try and pull through with something else that I'm not really that interested in and I kid myself I'm killing time until THE right thing comes along - hopefully I know what it will look like.... I mean estate agency? PLEASE! That was never gonna happen. I've been at a job interview today and, fucking hell, I never want to do that again, but I succumb to the idiosyncrasies of normality and bleurghhhh, I'm sure I'll find myself feeling the tongue-tied sickness of embarrassment all over again.
I've got my fingers crossed that I will have moved back to England by this time next year, but so far I haven't managed to scrape any cash together for house or sensiblities like that. Maybe it's all pie in the sky, but I hope to get there and if you're still pondering the path of life I'll have to jump onto you, push you off the path (into some bushes) and make a plan for our raison d'etre....
I'm sorry but I am going to nag. It is really terrible that you didn't get into Uni but only you can make it happen. Yes it means finding a new strategy but it works. If you want help with your personal statement join the Alumni (I know £10 but it will be the best tenner you ever spent) they will help you write it the way Uni wants it.
I hate to hear people say it is impossible to earn a living from writing - yes it is hard and maybe it wont happen for us but we have to try. We have to stop making excuses and buckle down. You have lots of free time - although you persuade yourself you don't - be strict on yourself, make a plan and stick to it. Get up early every morning and write for a specified time - ignore phone, sister, cat whatever. Don't think you only have energy to just do one thing a day - you will manage more if you make yourself. Only you can make this happen. You are a good enough writer to be published, if you just forget the NSAD downer and believe. And work hard, work harder than you ever had. Hey at least you will be your own boss. People told JK she could never make money from writing - hey they were wrong. And remember once you start opening doors, even in a small way other opportunities will come your way - teaching, talking about your work etc.
Just believe in yourself - only you can do it. (I know that hyprocritcal coming from me but I am trying) and you are young and have the world at your feet. In the long run as long as you have enough money to pay bills and eat, thats enough - money is not what is stopping you here.
As for the MA, join the Alumni and get advice about possible finance. You have an illness that effects your life, talk to ME society - one never knows what you can get with badgering.
Be strong, be positive and take control.
Sorry abit harse but nothing is impossible.
Thanks for the Pep talk guys. I am less of a whiny teenager now which is good. ;-D
Don't have to wonder why for long.
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