Sunday, 9 August 2009

Christmas is coming

So this week I started thinking about Christmas.  I know what you're thinking, a bit premature, getting in there even before the shops.  But I make quite a few of the presents I send so it is important to get an early start.  So Monday I started thinking what I wanted to do this year for my nearest and dearest.
I'm always taken by surprise by how relaxing sewing is.  Somewhere inside me a switch flips when I get fabric in my hands and start bending it into something new.  A calm descends and I feel connected.  I feel home.  I don't know if that makes sense at all but that's how it is. 
When I was younger I learnt a lot of crafts, sewing, knitting, embroidery etc. but when I hit my teens I slowly stopped doing it.  The last thing I made was a dress when I was 15 and then after that nothing.
I went through nearly a decade where I didn't do any sewing or knitting or anything.  Then, whilst doing my degree I started playing around with fabric again.  I fell totally in love with the process.  Differences with the same Likeness wrote a blog the other day that got me thinking, about the nature of quilting.  I guess for me the process of creating with fabric is something that I shared with my mother and my grandmother and they shared with theirs.  It is a tangible link to the past, where I come from, it's my anchor to memories I'd forgotten.  It's comfortable, familiar and at the end you don't just get a quilt or item of clothing, or whatever it is you create, you have the memories of the process which will always be linked to the item.

I have to say I've been a little lost of late, which I think is obvious from my blog, I've been preoccupied with so many things which are important and I forgot to do the things that really mean something.
I signed up for a textiles course last week, I figured that just because I haven't got my life sorted doesn't mean I have to stop doing things that I enjoy.  I have started my Christmas crafty projects and everything is right with the world.  I am myself and only myself and I am immersed in the world I love.


Moggie711 said...

Wow this is the person who just a few years ago really wasn't into Christmas at all. I know what you mean about enjoying craft - and the pleasure of getting stuff ready for Christmas. Must admit I have got a few pressies already and lots of ideas (not much money though). I always love the gifts I get from you, especially the handmade ones. I still carry my covered notebook everywhere and loads of people comment how nice it is. I guess before we know it Christmas will be here.

It is great that you are thinking about education and doing classes again. It has made me think along the same lines. Lots of ideas come out of education and classes and it is a place to meet people and make friends (look at us).

glnroz said...

thnx for dropping by. The gifts that i have given that seemed to be appreciated the most are the ones that I made. The most fun that I have had in a long time was the "Bushy Beard" project for my grandson. (older blog).. thnx again

brown eyed girl said...

Im with glnroz on this, some of the best gifts ive received and given have been either made or so much thought has gone into them you really apreciate that fact and love them all the more for it.
I sew for my website and some of the patterns ive come up with have been in times when ive felt a little lost, nothing else feels as good when you make something from nothing, I love sewing and making all sorts of things.
I think its a brilliant idea with the classes, I hope it inspires you.
I need to make a start with xmas though, I always tend to leave it until last min then panic..