Sunday, 26 July 2009

Just a little weirdness

The boy that didn’t

A welsh dragon wanders the valleys waiting for a knight to come.  Waiting for a chance to roar and prance in the dance of life and death, looking for a way to become fierce and strong like her mother before her.  She walks the well-worn paths of her ancestors dreaming of the future, the excitement and thrill of the chase.  Dragon catches glimpses of people who hide in the distance scared of her fire and passion expecting attack and pain.  Curling up by the lake she preserves her energy for the fight to come.


The little boy plays with swords and jousts with friends, he seems aggressive and fierce.  He watches the knights ride off to battle and fears for them.  His stomach turns from stories told by the hearth to entertain and bolster warrior egos.  He dreads the day they’ll send him to fight when he can longer hide his fear of blood or his reticence to strike the decisive blow.   He will not do it.  No knighthood for him.


Dragon slumbers in the valleys, an undetected mound never to be disturbed.  Her destiny unfulfilled, heart broken.   


glnroz said...

The young lady dragon will find her destiny...

Wine and Words said...

Hmmm. I like this. It is a beautiful reminder that children will take their own path and ours is not to mold them to our own. Kings son need not be prince. Editors daughter need not be writer. Teachers daughter need not like school(my own frame of reference). Dragon and warriors son will be someting much more magical if we let them.

Just Curious... said...

wine and words - welcome and thank you for your comments.
Glnroz - Hello and thank you.
I wrote this after reading a post from a fellow blogger. I have no idea why but I feel that they are linked. In the tradition of blogging I thought I'd post it up.

Moggie711 said...

I love this piece. A lovely little tale that says so much. It makes the reader examine their lives. It has plot and a moral and feels fresh and very up to date. I would love to write a piece like this.

Just brill.

I guess we all wonder about fulfilling our destiny and fighting our fears.

All I can say is I wish I could write like this.
