Sunday, 16 August 2009

A new job

So this week I have been busy starting a new job.  It happened kinda quickly and took me by surprise.  I guess I've been looking for a job for months and had stopped thinking I'd get anywhere and then out of the blue I'm employed.

I now write information packs for a company who arranges for volunteers to go abroad to help in orphanages and schools etc.  It has actually been fairly interesting so far, learning about places like Ghana and Thailand.  It is also pretty stress free which is so important for my ME.  I just head in, work on the computer and then leave.  When I get home I don't think about it until I go back in the next day.

It feels so strange to be back in work again after so long.  I went off sick from my job last June and never went back.  14 months of contemplating my own navel has done me some good I hope.  I won't be making the same mistakes again and hopefully I will fare better than before.

I'm feeling positive.   


glnroz said...

yeaaaa,, lol,, remeber what I said, " A vicious block on the wrong man......" go get 'em

Roses said...

Good luck sweetheart. As someone currently off on a sickie, I'm hoping to feel that positive in a few weeks time! x

Moggie711 said...

I think it is great that you are back at work but I miss our wednesday afternoon 'cake' sessions. Seriously I think it is great that you are out and about and getting 'back on the bus.' Job sounds interesting as well. I'm really looking forward to Monday night poetry - hope it is good. Will speak to you today.

Just Curious... said...

Thanks guys. ;-)