Sunday, 23 August 2009


Another week gone and its really flown by.  I managed to get some things done but there are many things I haven't.  I'm still feeling fairly positive but also a little frustrated.  I guess I always have a million things on my to do list and I barely scratch the surface.

I have made great strides with my quilt, nearly 50 squares done already!  I have managed to get through my first full week at work without major incident and I finished reading my book.  But I've gone another week without writing anything, no research done for my book and my house is a tip!

Why is it there is never enough time to get everything done?  There are some women that do it all and seem so organized and on top of things.  I doubt I will ever be one of those women.  Look out for me running behind that woman, late, ragged, with bits flying everywhere just one step away from being mistaken for a hobo! 


Roses said...

I hate to tell you this but, there are always going to be THOSE women. They juggle their job, marriage, house, children with impecable hair and make-up.

They invite you over for coffee, hand over home-made, organic, free-from everything nasty and yet tasty cake and appologise profusely about the mess. When you look around there is a cushion slightly askew.

They are some of the most boring individuals on the plante. Their very existence is for our mockery and contempt.

For we are fun, and they are boring!

glnroz said...

Look in the mirror. That is the young lady that best suits you. Give 'em the dickens, all ya got is plenty for many.. lol

Luna Lenny said...

tell me about it!
Where do I enter the cheat?
(up, down, left, right, A, start... now, do I get invincibility?)