Monday, 7 September 2009

Back to School

So today, after a seven week wait, I finally went into the junior school that had agreed to see me about volunteering.  Strangely I didn't feel nervous at all.  I walked into the school and knew that I would be comfortable there.  I had spent time worrying over the summer that just because I wanted to teach that it didn't mean I'd be any good at it.  I had no idea how I would feel being in a school again.

I'm sure now that if I decide to teach that I'll be good at it.  It's a strange certainty that hit me as I sat in an empty classroom talking to the learning support teacher.  I feel comfortable in that environment, if I'm going to do anything apart from write for a living this is it.  

They were really friendly and keen for me to help out with them.  She pulled out the card I had made whilst talking to me and kept drawing attention to it.  So I guess that worked.  I have a few legal hoops to jump first (CRB) but once that is done I will be a volunteer teaching assistant! 

1 comment:

glnroz said...

congrats,,, go git 'em