Saturday, 30 May 2009

A bit of nonsense

Strange what just falls out of my head sometimes. This is just a little something, totally undiluted and raw:

Light tingles spread across my arm and the smell of rain assaults my senses before I even feel the first drop. The dark purple bruises travel fast across the darkening sky all light reduced to a tiny shaft of brilliance caressing the leaves of the trees around me. I am standing alone amongst nature. We are in communion. The clouds pass over me, sending me into darkness and on to the rain. The first fat drop falls, barely caressing my cheek before tumbling to my chest to weave a meandering course on my skin and easing under the cotton barrier of my top. Others follow on until they have beaten down their predecessors leaving my body cloaked in slick moisture. My clothes desperately cling wet from the onslaught. The smell is overpowering now in my little patch of green and I welcome it. I am laughing as the lightening begins to strike. The energy it releases hits like a tidal wave. It is absorbed by earth and the air. Too much power for one living thing to possess, it has destroyed an oak in my forest. Vengeful flames lick at the air, cursing the water pounding at its soul. With this power the world is mine if I wished it. The power and the glory ripe for the taking. I will not take it. I do not wish to be consumed. I will just stand guard until my time is ended.


Moggie711 said...

OMG - I feel there is something else going on here. Are you taking about the weather, or life, or sex??? Or just being. I love this underlying sub-text (or not). This feels like writing from the core, when you just have to write and something amazing comes out. This type of writing can be included in any genre and makes when used in a controlled way is what makes writing great (IMO). You should keep doing this, just let the words come and write them down, publish them to your blog so that they are there to be picked up and re-used, re-written when you feel the need. This type of writing is some of what being a writer is about, along with confidence and persistence. Love it!

Just Curious... said...

Thanks Di.

Yes I think this is about many things and nothing at all. I suppose it is the manifestation of a feeling in that minute of writing which is about something other than what it's about.

If that makes sense!