Thursday, 14 May 2009

Hmm, a bit deep for me...

An Angel told me he wasn't holding his breath,
that some people just walk past the sign
for deliverance on their way to the supermarket.

My Angel says ignorance is not my excuse
I'm already a lost cause and there's only so many
times he'll hit me over the head with the sign.

Angel doesn't know I can always see it
never thought my blindness deliberate
or that I choose to walk away from salvation.

Just typed this straight into the computer and was a little surprised. Any thoughts welcome.


Moggie711 said...

Wow. I love the structure of the verses eg an, my, angel. I like the images here. Are we all missing the signs? Are we all delibrately ignoring our salvation. I just really really like this. Nothing seems to jar, the words kinda work. My type of poetry. Can I print it out and put it on my wall. Don't worry I have anyway.

Moggie711 said...

I have found something I don't like about this work - The title. Take ownership of this work and don't be afraid. Somehow the title starts with embarrassment. If I ignore it the work is so much better.

Just Curious... said...


The blog title isn't the poem title. It doesn't have one at the mo. It literally typed out onto the blog. will have to think of one.