Tuesday, 9 June 2009

So, what do you do?

Today I'm mostly contemplating the nature of work and why I can't seem to make up my mind what I'm going to do.  Every week I have another way in which I'm going to get by financially and none of them stick.  I guess I never really knew what I wanted to do when I grew up and I still don't.

There are many things that interest me and I find my attention span fairly short, which is not conducive to finding a long term career.  When I think of an ideal world where I get to do my dream job, it's not a conventional job.

The bottom line is I want to be a writer.  I suppose I already am.  I write fiction.  I sometimes dabble in poetry but my main thing is fiction.  Ideally I would love to earn money with my writing but I think it's not that realistic and if I can do this it'll be a long way off.

There are jobs where I can use my creative juices to earn money like journalism or advertising but that's not for me.  The idea of bending my creativity in that way doesn't sit right.  If I write I want to only write the subjects that float my boat.  

That leaves me with the option of finding something to keep me afloat financially.  But what?  And should I really wait it out in a job I'm not into in the hope that one day I'll be published?  I have other interests, things that get me excited intellectually, should I chase them instead?

My head hurts.  


Erin Cree said...

Oh goodness! you sound just like me. I'm trying to earn a living working from home and I'm juggling the options of writing, card-making and painting. I should really concentrate in one but I'm loathed to give up the rest. The trouble is I'm not getting anywhere fast. (Oh, and I forgot to mention the pastime of online surveys) Yip my head is hurting too!

P.S. Sorry I wasn't any help!


Moggie711 said...

You do know what you want to be, a writer, you said it. Now all you have to do is find a way of making this happen. Easy really!!

I am rushing past middle age and only recently found a job I like but even then I would rather be writing. So just keep going, keep writing and as far as the job goes just let inspiration strike. Don't be rushed into something you know is not right.

Keep going and you will find away.