Friday, 19 June 2009

Checking in

Wow! What a week.

I've been so busy creating things and concentrating on my non-existing career.  I've been looking for a job for the last 3 months and had got into a pattern of applying for anything that had the right amount of hours.  I was sending out the same CV, churning out the same answers to application questions and getting nowhere.  

When I was at college I attended many seminars in standing out in the creative market, individual looking CVs and the like but I had only ever applied that to creative applications.  When looking for a normal job I would revert back to the old standard CV and covering letter.

After last week's decision to do teacher training to hopefully teach primary school, I realized I needed experience in a school.  This week I was sorting out letters requesting voluntary work within primary schools.  I started trying to do what I normally do, when a friend pointed out that they must receive quite a few of these requests and that maybe I should try something different.

She was right.  I have made little notecards using illustrations that I have drawn this week and I have to admit they look quite good.  It has spurred me on to put the same effort into my CV and applications.  I have completely redeveloped my CV with illustrations in the background like a watermark.  I really like them and they are really 'me'.

Whether it will get a better response than my previous one I don't know, but at least I will have given them something a little different to look at.  And I will be going into any interview with them expecting me, not just another lemming .


Moggie711 said...

Hey at least you have used your creativity and had an interesting week. Tonight you can look forward to Morrison's cream muffins!

Just Curious... said...

Is that my treat for being a good girl?

glnroz said...

Just happened by your site by accident. Earlier post u asked how did it look ,,it is great. anyhow,,still earlier post made me think of something an old football coach had put on our locker room wall (I also stressed this to my daughter who is your age) the quote: A vicious block on the wrong man is much better than a timid block on the right man",, gitit? lol so just go after whatever you want full steam ahead...glenn

Just Curious... said...

Thanks Glenn for your post. Nice to have a fresh perspective.

I think that has always been my problem, not being sure enough to go full out. I am working on it though. I guess you don't have to be sure, you just have to go for it.