Wednesday, 3 June 2009

The thing about laziness... that it's a disease. It arrives in one part of your life and then quickly spreads to all other aspects until your entire being is saturated. along the way it mutates into apathy, boredom, lethargy etc. Nothing positive is born out of laziness.

I've been wondering today about what it is that makes me put off the things I should be doing. Is it laziness? I guess I have spent a lot of time getting in my own way but I've never really been sure why. Somewhere during my early school years I learnt that if I coasted I had more friends. I taught myself to use simpler words and only do as much as it took to get by.

I got past the being someone else for other people thing a long time ago but the laziness thing has never worn off.

However much I want to I don't seem to push myself in anything. I have no discipline.


Roses said...

I don't think of it as laziness...I think of it more as taking life at a slower pace.

After all, if there's a good book to read, the dishes will still be there, the laundry isn't going to run away, and who gives a shit about the dust?

Moggie711 said...

I don't think this is laziness, I think what you describe is a survival technique that is hard to break when it is no longer required. I also had to be someone less at school and I guess later in life. And although it is easier it leaves this deep longing inside to be real, to show what you can be, to achieve but even so the technique is hard to break. Being at Uni helped in one way but has left me with this terrible habit of doing everything at the last minute, hitting deadlines the night before. This is ok if you have a deadline but if the deadline has to be set by me then I just don't get it done.

Is there a solution. Maybe. How about setting yourself small achievable targets - nothing too big and not beating yourself up if you fail occasionally. I think you should write a little every day, say give yourself a target of minimum of ten minutes a day - it doesn't really matter what you write just something every day. Allow your mind to wander and if you want to continue and write more then do so. Maybe write before you go out - maybe even before getting washed and dreesed etc. Definately before turning on the TV (the worlds biggest time waster). I am going to try it to so lets compare notes.

Moggie711 said...

Notes from a published author (although I didn't think he was that good) on being a successful writer.

Self belief
Self discipline
Write every day
Find a hook - be marketable

Just Curious... said...

Thanks you guys. I think you're right.

I found college a reminder that I hadn't broken the technique. I was thinking yesterday about my Masters. I want to do it but not before i break this habit of last minuting. I don't want to be disappointed in myself again.

Moggie711 said...

I love the expression 'last minuting'. I am going to use that in future.